Paper Submission

Submission Guidelines

The workshop allows two types of submissions: papers & demos.

Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. All paper submissions should be written in English and follow the two-column ACM SIGPLAN article style (e.g. acmart LaTeX style with options sigplan,anonymous,10pt). The CCS Concepts, Keywords, and ACM Reference Format sections are not required in submissions. Papers must not exceed the length of six (6) printed pages plus references using a 10-point font.

All demo submissions come in form of an extended abstract with a maximum length of two (2) printed pages plus references with the same format as paper submissions. In addition to giving a live demo at the workshop, demo presenters are required to produce a video. We also encourage the paper authors to optionally present a demo. This does not require a separate submission of an extended abstract but is covered by the paper submission.

Papers and demo abstracts must be submitted in PDF format via the workshop website. They will be reviewed by the program committee and evaluated based on technical quality, originality, relevance, and presentation. Submissions are double-blind, please make sure that your submissions are properly anonymized.

Accepted submissions will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The authors of accepted submissions will be required to sign ACM copyright release forms.

Formatting Requirements

Paper length: up to 6 pages plus references (paper) / up to 2 pages plus references (demo)
Page size: US Letter
File format: PDF
Style: Two-column ACM SIGPLAN article style (e.g. acmart LaTeX style with options sigplan,anonymous,10pt)

Submission Deadline

Please submit your paper or demo abstract by August 9, 2024 (anywhere on earth).

Online Submission System

Please use our HotCRP Submission Site to submit your paper or demo abstract.